the truth is, sometimes i think i could do this. forever. as my real job.
there's something about sitting in my basement, with NPR on in the background, just me and a chair . . . . . or 6.
i just finished my first real job on friday. real as in, the finished product wasn't going to end up in my living room, my mom's living room, or craigslist. as in, somebody sought me out and asked me to re-do 6 dining room chairs. and wanted to pay me to do it.
the pressure was on.
Before: After:
my photo quality is weak. mostly because my after photos were right as we were running out the door to deliver them and I realized I hadn't taken any. but hopefully you can at the very least see they got a much-needed facelift.
i have several summer upholstery projects lined up- mostly for myself, my mom, and possibly my mother-in-law. pressure is still on there, but there shouldn't be a time crunch. some will be difficult and might last well into the fall.
but i wonder if i've overcommitted myself already. it's not like i have the summer off or anything.
i have about half my required summer reading list piled on my desk at the moment.
the initial excitement of ordering all these books on amazon is looking pretty intimidating at the moment.
i'm sure i'll find a way to balance my reading with plenty of upholstery and crafting.
in other news. you know that quote from I Am Sam (love that movie):
"Huge mistakes. Mistakes that were huge"?
i love that quote and say it often to Michael about not so huge mistakes as a joke.
but let me just say that our health insurance company made a pretty huge mistake that has left me emotionally, physically, and psychologically exhausted.
i need to find myself a xanax and get to a bikram yoga class asap.
it's over. and fine. and taken care of and i'm not going to be homeless or bankrupt or uninsured as i was fairly certain i would be around 3:30 this morning as i sat with my cat, eating a popsicle, attempting to edit a 40 page paper i have due this week - all the while being completely hysterical and dramatic.
god bless michael quinn.
. . . . . a summer of reading and upholstery is looking mighty fine right about now.
I read pedagogy of the oppressed last year! You'll have to tell me what you think of it.