Friday, July 22, 2011

Curtain delimma solved!

So, remember how I insisted on buying this glorious fabric even though there wasn't enough for my project at hand (i.e. curtains)?

And remember how I decided I'd just modify the project and make a little bit shorter and a little less fuller curtains instead?

Yeah. Changed my mind.

I just was feeling so sad about spending time and money on something I wasn't thrilled with. So I called JoAnn's to see if/when they'd get more in. Of course the most unhelpful lady of all time talked to me and gave me no answers. I went to their website, where it, of course, is not listed.

So I searched all over the internet to find some place that carried it. Meanwhile, I panicked and contemplated how I could pull off two different fabric patterns in one small room . . . .

Then I found it, ordered more, and lived happily ever after. 

And, despite the fabric tizzy I was in for 2 days, if my curtains still turn out slightly horrible, I won't care because at least I can always shorten them . . . or turn them into pillows or a bed for Brian, or even some cute little outfits like this idol of mine did in 1965:

Oh, Maria, how I love thee . . . .

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